Saturday, June 4, 2011

Gone Huntin' with Sarah Palin

I drew this cartoon at the time of the 2008 American Presidential election, when Sarah Palin first strode onto the world stage as John McCain's Vice-Presidential running mate. Most of us here in the far-flung antipodean south had not heard of her before then. And what an alarming picture of contemporary America she personified for us non-Americans. I remember being very concerned at the time about John McCain's well publicised heart condition, presenting the potential nightmare scenario of Sarah Palin being literally just a heart-beat away from the American Presidency, should John McCain happen to suffer a heart attack whilst in office. Which would arguably make Sarah Palin the most powerful person on earth. That's a prospect just too scary to contemplate, in my humble opinion. I acknowledge American Pulitzer Prize winning author, Annie Proulx, for the reference to balls and apples. It comes from her iconic short story "Brokeback Mountain", of which I am a great fan. The exact quote reads as follows:

"Shot a coyote just first light," he (Ennis) told Jack the next evening, sloshing his face with hot water, lathering up soap and hoping his razor had some cut left in it, while Jack peeled potatoes. "Big son of a bitch. Balls on him size a apples. I bet he'd took a few lambs. Looked like he could a eat a camel."

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