Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tony Abbott Revealed

Tony Abbott, the ultra-conservative, rightist Leader of the Opposition in the Australian Federal Parliament has been quoted as saying of the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, “Julia Gillard won't lie down and die”. He has also been linked, through association, with similarly violent, thuggish comments about Julia Gillard such as, “Ditch the Witch” and “Juliar (sic) . . . Bob Brown’s B*tch” (see pic below). Such threatening, misogynistic pronouncements from this overtly intimidating bully-boy should not come as any great surprise to the Australian electorate. The man is an embarrassment. Go and sit on the naughty step, Tony! He has no policies of his own. His entire raison d’ĂȘtre would appear to be trashing the lawfully elected government of Australia, solely for his own political gain. The poodle’s comment in this cartoon, relative to disrupting parliament, relates to the Opposition’s farcical practice of constantly disrupting Parliament by bringing motions for the suspension of standing orders each day. Why do they do it, when they know full well they don’t have the numbers? Well, they do it so as to prevent the parliamentary press corps from hearing about the Gillard government’s excellent policies during question time. Oh, and also so they can sit on the Treasury benches for a few fleeting moments. Pathetic! How much are we, the Australian electorate, paying Abbott and his goons with our hard-earned tax-payer dollars, just so they can play these silly, time wasting games at our expense? #auspol

The REAL Tony Abbott

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